__C-S Headlines__

          If you haven't heard of Counter-Strike. You've got to be living in a cave.  This game is so addicting and just a masterpiece.  When my friends were playing it they were so hooked that at some point it would be the main priority for the whole day.  I didn't believe at first that a game can get you so hooked and addicted.

          Then one day I got on Bo's computer and started playing.  With my left hand hovering over the W/A/S/D keys and my right hand palmed on the mouse I proceeded to play.  Only thirty seconds into the game I was hooked.  Hooked on the magnificent gameplay, smooth graphics, real models, weapons, and environments.  This game even blows Perfect Dark and Medal of Honor out of there systems.  The cool thing about Counter-Strike is that it's specifically for play over the internet and or over LAN.  This means that your opponents and teammates will have equal, lesser, or better skills than you which provides a strong challenge or a big ass whoopin.